Sem Mitja Velkavrh, 16 letni voznik Rally-ja. Vozim skupaj z mamo, ki mi je sovoznica. Voziva asfalt in makedam ter sva na obeh podlagah uspešna. Na vseh, razen dveh dirkah sva dosegla stopni?ke s ?imer sva zelo zadovoljna. Voziva pod okriljem RallyShow.si. Ampak kot veste je ta šport zelo drag zato bi bila vesela vsake finan?ne podpore pri najini poti.
I am Mitja Velkavrh, a 16-year-old Rally driver. I drive with my mother, who is my passenger. We drive asphalt and macadam and are successful on both surfaces. We reached the podium in all but two races, which we are very satisfied with. We drive for Rallyshow.si. But as you know, this sport is very expensive, so I would be happy for any financial support in our journey.