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Rafting reprezentacija Srbije







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Podržimo Rafting Reprezentaciju Srbije!
Srpski rafting tim stoji pred velikim izazovom – odlazak na Svetsko prvenstvo u Argentini, gde ce braniti boje naše zemlje i pokazati snagu, timski duh i vrhunsku izdržljivost.

Put do Svetskog prvenstva zahteva znacajna finansijska sredstva za put, opremu, pripreme i takmicarske troškove. Naš tim vredno trenira, posvecen je sportu i godinama dokazuje da Srbija može biti medju najboljima u svetu raftinga.

Kako možete pomoci?
Vaša donacija, bilo mala ili velika, pomaže u pokrivanju neophodnih troškova i omogucava našim sportistima da ostvare svoj san – da predstavljaju Srbiju na svetskoj sceni.

Naš cilj je jasan:

Omoguciti timu odlazak na Svetsko prvenstvo
Obezbediti kvalitetnu opremu za takmicenje
Omoguciti najbolje pripreme i treninge za vrhunski rezultat
Budimo deo njihove pobede!
Svaka podrška znaci korak bliže uspehu! Pomozimo im zajedno da dostojno predstavljaju našu zemlju i donesu medalje iz Argentine!

Podrži rafting reprezentaciju Srbije – budi deo njihovog putovanja do svetskog trona!


Support the Serbian Rafting Team!
The Serbian rafting team is facing a major challenge – competing in the World Championship in Argentina, where they will proudly represent our country and demonstrate their strength, teamwork, and endurance at the highest level.

The road to the World Championship requires significant financial resources for travel, equipment, training, and competition expenses. Our team is dedicated, hardworking, and has proven for years that Serbia can be among the best in the world of rafting.

How can you help?
Your donation, no matter how big or small, will help cover essential costs and enable our athletes to achieve their dream – to represent Serbia on the global stage.

Our goal is clear:

Secure the team’s participation in the World Championship
Provide high-quality equipment for the competition
Ensure the best training and preparation for top results
Be part of their victory!
Every contribution brings them one step closer to success. Let’s support them together, so they can proudly represent Serbia and bring home medals from Argentina!

Support the Serbian Rafting Team – be part of their journey to the world stage!



2 Вознаграждения

Пожертвовать 50 и получить

Poklon majica

Za donacije preko 50 eura majica reprezentacije

Осталось только 66

Пожертвовать €50

Пожертвовать 300 и получить

Logo firme na dresu/ Company logo on the jersey

Za donacije preko 300 evra, logo Vase firme se moze naci na dresu. For donations over 300 euros, your company logo can be featured on the jersey

Осталось только 9

Пожертвовать €300

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